Expozoo Paris Animal Show 2025

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Cat lovers, find more than 1 000 cats at the cat show!

The great cat show in Paris

Cat breeders, you can register now


List of cat breeds attending in 2025


Of uncertain origin (Ethiopia ? India ? South East Asia or England ?), the first Abyssinian arrived in France in 1927. Very elegant cat with a triangle head, he looks at us with golden, hazel or green eyes ! Very active and intelligent, adoring his master, he will not like solitude. Strong personality, needs space and gets used perfectly to life in an apartment. Will tolerate other cats and even dogs very well. Curious and playful. Low maintenance, at least one brushing per week and lots of cuddles!  

American Curl long hair

The American Curl gets its name from the shape of its ears which are curly, it is of medium size with large walnut-shaped eyes. There are two types of American Curl, long-haired and short-haired. Underneath its sophisticated look, it is a robust cat, with a coat that is easy to care for, just be sure to clean the inside of its ears regularly.  

American Shorthair 

Cat with easy character and very calm. He brings a lot of affection to his master. Playful and sporty, he prefers to live outside but he accepts life in an apartment. For the maintenance of its coat a weekly brushing is enough.  This cat is particularly common in the United States, but also in Japan. It is similar to British shorthair and European shorthair, which is best known in France. Of medium size, the American Shorthair is above all hunter. He prefers outdoor living, but adapts perfectly to apartment living. Independent, he remains very affectionate and pleasant to live.

Angora Turc

L'Angora turc est une race de chats à poils mi-longs originaire de Turquie (van). Ce chat est caractérisé par sa robe à poils mi-longs très soyeuse et sans sous-poils, et une silhouette fine et élancée qui le classe dans la catégorie des chats foreign comme l'abyssin ou le bleu russe. Race de chat très ancienne, l'angora turc est à l'origine de l'ensemble des races à poils longs (persan) et mi-longs (norvégien, maine coon, etc.) présents en Europe et en Amérique. Race naturelle ayant connu un très grand succès au xviiie siècle, ce chat de taille moyenne est actuellement encore peu connu, malgré de grandes qualités esthétiques et de caractère.


This cat is a cross between a domestic cat and a wild cat from Asia. He is affectionate and sociable but very active and will need to exercise. His coat is beautiful because it looks like a small panther, for its maintenance a weekly brushing is enough.  Although the Bengal has inherited the physical characteristics of the Asian leopard cat from which it comes in part, it is nevertheless an easy-going cat, soft and sociable. Medium to large, it is characterized by a physical constitution that is athletic, powerful, agile and graceful. Devoid of aggressiveness and very curious, the Bengal is also very intelligent. In short, it is a cat full of qualities, able to adapt to a variety of life frames, easy to maintain and getting along with all members of the family.


Le Bombay est un chat qui ressemble à peu de chose près au Burmese américain. D’ailleurs, il est issu d’un croisement entre ce dernier et un Shorthair. Le Bombay est affectueux, tendre, désireux de tendresse et de câlins. Il s’agit d’un félin d’intérieur, qui préfère se prélasser au chaud plutôt que de risquer l’aventure. Il n’est pas spécialement sportif et il faudra surveiller son alimentation. Très sociable, il apprécie enfants, autres animaux et congénères. De plus, il ne miaule pas beaucoup. Le Bombay présente un corps puissant et athlétique. On ne l’appelle pas « panthère miniature », en dehors de son pelage noir, pour rien. Le corps est compact, la cage thoracique bien ouverte.

British Longhair

Very peaceful cat, well balanced, easy to live with. He adapts very well in town and in the country. Sociable with his fellow creatures and dogs, he can be playful. For the maintenance of its coat it will need a weekly brushing, during the period of moulting a daily brushing is necessary.  Built with roundness and power, it enjoys moments of play as much as moments of rest, in the comfort and safety of the home.

British Shorthair

Very peaceful cat, well balanced, easy to live with. He adapts very well in town and in the country. Sociable with his fellow creatures and dogs, he can be playful. For the maintenance of its coat it will need a weekly brushing, during the period of moulting a daily brushing is necessary.  


It is a graceful cat that does not leave indifferent by its blue-gray color and its woolly fur and its copper-colored eyes. It remains independent and likes its peace but it is affectionate and very fusional with its master. For the maintenance of the coat a weekly currying is necessary.  

Chats de maison poils court

Aussi appelé “chat de maison”, c’est le chat le plus répandu en France ! Le Chat de gouttière n’appartient à aucune race déterminée. Il ne dispose pas de pedigree dans la nomenclature officielle des races félines. On peut confondre le Chat de gouttière avec le chat européen ou ou European Shorthair. Mais l’Européen est une race reconnue par le Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) et il possède une filiation connue, contrairement au Chat de gouttière.

Cornish Rex

It is a very acrobatic and lively cat. He is very sociable with humans and can live with other cats and dogs. Does not support loneliness because it is very affectionate. For the maintenance of the coat a weekly brushing will be sufficient. An almost inexistent moult.  

Devon Rex 

It is a very sporty and active cat, it looks like its cousin the Cornish Rex. This cat is very affectionate and does not support loneliness. For the maintenance of the coat it will need the regular passage of a wet glove. 


Le Donskoy apparaît pour la première fois en Russie, dans la région de Rostov, dans les années 1980. Le Donskoy est l’une des rares races de chat nu. Il est connu internationalement. Il est surtout connu pour sa grande gentillesse et l’absence d’agressivité. Il est très à l’aise avec sa famille adoptive. Il ne supporte pas la solitude et peut suivre partout son propriétaire. Il est également sans cesse actif, curieux et intelligent. Son entretien est des plus simples et sa santé assez robuste. Il consomme beaucoup de nourriture pour compenser l’absence de poil. Le Donskoy présente une peau élastique avec beaucoup de plis. Ces derniers sont plus nombreux au niveau de la tête, des aisselles, du ventre et de l’aine. Le poil est absent, même si un léger duvet est admis au niveau du museau, des oreilles, des pieds et au bout de la queue.

Exotic short hair

Cat very easy to live with but more lively than the Persian. It does not support loneliness because it is very affectionate, gets along with its congeners and dogs. For the maintenance of the coat a weekly brushing will be sufficient. Watering is frequent, it is necessary to clean the eyes every day.  

Highland Fold

The Scottish and Highland Fold are very round cats. The head is broad with rounded contours from any angle. The nose is short and broad with a good curve. The eyes are large and round.  

Highland Straight

Halfway between the Scottish and the British, the Highland straight cat carries the characteristics of its parents, and this makes it an ideal life companion, as much for adults as for children, eager to pay attention and love to their little feline! Close to his master, the Highland straight is easy to live with, calm, docile, and very sociable with humans and animals. There is nothing special about the care of the cat, except for more attention to brushing during the moulting period.  

Bobtail Kurilian Longhair

The particularity of this cat ? Its short tail in the shape of pompom. It came spontaneously, and was then transmitted from generation to generation. It is a soft cat, tender and player. Sensitive to his master he knows how to return the love brought to him. Very sociable, he knows how to remain calm and also gets along with the other cats and dogs. He is not very talkative but can be greedy.  


Le LaPerm est une race attachante, bien qu’indépendante et un peu solitaire. Il ne sera jamais contre une caresse ni un câlin, mais ne s’ennuiera jamais, même si son maître se révèle parfois absent. Il s’occupera de lui-même, sans élever la voix. Il préfère vivre en intérieur et grimper, plutôt que dehors. Son entretien ne diffère pas en fonction de ses 2 variétés (poil mi-long et poil court). Son alimentation est classique et sa santé robuste.

Maine Coon

Considered as the biggest domestic cat, it remains nevertheless very affectionate and not aggressive. It is very fusional with its masters. He needs space, a garden is better for him than an apartment since he is very athletic. For the maintenance of its coat a weekly brushing is enough.  The Maine Coon is, along with the Savannah, one of the largest cat breeds. Its length can easily exceed the meter. Most of the record holders of the world’s greatest cats entered the Guinness Book or about to do so are Maine Coons

Maine coon Polydactyle

Un Maine Coon polydactyle possède plus de doigts que la moyenne (poly= nombreux / dactyle= doigts). En général un chat possède 5 doigts aux pattes avant et 4 aux pattes arrières. La polydactylie est presque toujours symétrique (même nombre de doigts aux 2 pattes avant et/ou arrières) elle peut se trouver juste sur les pattes avant.

Mau Egyptien

The Egyptian Mau is one of the most ancient cat breeds, in fact it was already present in Ancient Egypt at the time of the pharaohs, more than 2500 years ago. It is a cat of medium size, powerful and elegant with eyes of atypical color "green currant with gooseberry". It is naturally spotted, with spots of varying size and shape, only four colors are accepted: silver, bronze, black smoke or black.  


This breed originates from the United States and has the particularity to have short legs. It is a very endearing cat, active and playful. He keeps a kitten character throughout his life. He does not jump very high, but he is fast and sneaks everywhere. He gets along very well with other cats and dogs, and is very tender with his owners.  


The Nebelung is a variety of Russian cat with semi-long hair, it can be of gray color with brilliant hairs, white with silvered reflections or jet black. It is a cat very attached to its master, it is very reserved towards the foreigners and needs a little time to adapt itself to its environment. He is an active and very warm playmate with his masters.  


The Norwegian or Norwegian Forest Cat has everything of a wild, rustic and solitary race. Nevertheless, he remains a cat of great gentleness and totally adapted to the life of Man. Thus, the Norwegian proves to be an excellent companion on a daily basis. If he keeps his hunting instincts, this semi-long to long haired cat is very faithful to its owner and his adoptive family. Affectionate, intelligent, he loves to play with children, just as he loves to spend himself daily, whether outdoors or with interior accessories.

Oriental Shorthair

The Persian is one of the oldest cat breeds. Endowed with a soft character, it is a long-haired cat very calm and who does not like to be abrupt. Its comfort is in a daily life strictly regulated and in quiet places. He is resistant to changes in habits and environment. Thus, he must eat at regular times and especially not be disturbed. In no way aggressive, his mood manifests itself mainly in his eyes rather than in the sound of his voice. He likes to laze and take long naps. If he enjoys being cuddled, he will not be inclined to spend his days being caressed. Manipulations must be delicate and considerate.


The Persian is one of the oldest cat breeds. Endowed with a soft character, it is a long-haired cat very calm and who does not like to be abrupt. Its comfort is in a daily life strictly regulated and in quiet places. He is resistant to changes in habits and environment. Thus, he must eat at regular times and especially not be disturbed. In no way aggressive, his mood manifests itself mainly in his eyes rather than in the sound of his voice. He likes to laze and take long naps. If he enjoys being cuddled, he will not be inclined to spend his days being caressed. Manipulations must be delicate and considerate.


Very calm and docile cat, he is very pleasant to live with and does not support loneliness. Very sociable, he lives with his fellow creatures and dogs. It can live in an apartment but does not support agitation and noise. For the maintenance of its coat a frequent combing is recommended.  


The Russian is a cat which is deserved. With him, the attachment to his Master is often more developed than with the other races of cat so much so that his reserve towards the foreigners makes him sometimes pass for a shy person. It needs time to feel secure and to reveal its personality and likes to live in a calm and serene environment. Active without being boisterous, he is a good playmate with those he is familiar with.  

Sacré de birmanie

This cat is very calm, affectionate and playful and is a faithful companion for children even if he likes peace and quiet. He hates indifference and even less loneliness. His meow is soft. For the maintenance of its coat a daily brushing during the moult is necessary  


Le savannah est une race de chats, créée aux États-Unis vers 1986. Ce chat de grande taille résulte du croisement entre un serval mâle et une chatte, puis de l'hybride mâle ainsi obtenu avec une chatte. Il montre plusieurs ressemblances physiques avec le serval, dont la taille, la couleur et les oreilles de forme caractéristique. Il pèse entre six et quatorze kilos, a le poil court et une tête triangulaire. Sa queue est souvent courte et plutôt épaisse.

Scottish Fold

This cat is not dominant and supports very well its congeneric and the dogs in spite of being very playful. Extremely calm and affectionate, he loves the presence of man. Its particularity is to have folded ears. For the maintenance of its coat a weekly brushing is necessary.  

Scottish straight

The Scottish straight is a very quiet cat that prefers to live in quiet places like an apartment or in the country. With a peaceful nature, it is not the kind of cat to climb or run around. He just needs a quiet place where he can have a good nap without anyone disturbing him.  

Selkirk Rex poil court

Very calm cat is very affectionate and appreciates the presence of humans. He can live with other cats and dogs. It is playful and curious and will be happy to take an interest in your activities. The particularity of the breed is its curly coat. For the maintenance of the coat a weekly brushing is enough.  

Selkirk Rex poil long

Very calm cat is very affectionate and appreciates the presence of humans. He can live with other cats and dogs. It is playful and curious and will be happy to take an interest in your activities. The particularity of the breed is its curly coat. For the maintenance of the coat a weekly brushing is enough.  


It is called the Siamese or the prince of cats. Cat with an extroverted temperament and provided with an assertive character, it can be unpredictable. He is calm and loves company, he can't stand loneliness or indifference. It likes children but does not always get along with its fellow creatures. For the maintenance of its coat a weekly brushing is enough.  


Imposing cat but of a strong tranquility. Very active with an assertive character, he is however very sociable with his fellows and children. Very affectionate towards his master. He needs to live in the open air and is not suitable for an apartment. For the maintenance of its coat a weekly brushing is enough. During the moult a daily brushing is recommended.


Originally from Singapore, it is the lightest cat in the world. Very affectionate and particularly sociable with its fellow creatures. It adapts very well to life in an apartment as it is very playful, it must be regularly entertained. For the maintenance of the coat a weekly brushing is enough.  


Cat with a calm and affectionate character, he is however active and lively. He is sociable with his fellow creatures and gets along very well with children. Although he is cold, he can't stand living in an apartment, a garden is suitable. For the maintenance of its coat a weekly brushing is enough.  


Lively cat, independent, playful and never aggressive. Sociable with dogs and other cats. He is very affectionate with his master, even possessive. It must live in an apartment because it is sensitive to cold, heat and humidity. He sweats through his skin and needs regular cleaning with a washcloth.  

Discover Europe's Largest Cat Show at the Paris Animal Show!

Cat lovers, this event is for you! Experience a unique event by discovering Europe's largest feline exhibition, at the heart of the Paris Animal Show, on March 8th and 9th. Whether you are passionate about these incredible companions or a proud cat owner, you will love everything we have prepared for you. Why not miss this event? - Admire the most beautiful cat breeds: Dozens of exceptional breeds will be presented by passionate breeders. - Discover majestic cats such as the Maine Coon, the Bengal, the Persian and many others, and learn their specificities and secrets. - Attend international feline competitions: Marvel at prestigious competitions, where the most beautiful cats from France and Europe will be judged according to the most demanding standards. - Get advice from professionals: Talk to breeders, veterinarians and feline behavior experts to better understand and meet the needs of your four-legged companion. - Discover the latest innovations: Access the best products for your cats – premium food, trendy accessories, innovative toys – and take advantage of exclusive special offers on site. - Share your passion: Meet other cat lovers in a friendly atmosphere and immerse yourself in a 100% feline universe. 
Don't miss this unique opportunity! Your ticket to the Paris Animal Show gives you access to this exceptional exhibition and much more. Book now to guarantee your place and experience an unforgettable day surrounded by everything you love about cats. 👉 Online ticketing open: book quickly to take advantage of our advantageous rates!

Photos : Arioko – Agence photo animalière 

I am planning to have a cat, how can I find out about the show?

Unique in France! Paris Animal Show is above all the place where 1 000 Breed Cats will be present, not only from all France, but also from abroad in order to participate in several beauty contests under the aegis of 3 international federations, including of course France. This will allow you to discover about forty breeds, some of which are not very well known such as the Toyger, the Miniature Tiger, the Devon Rex and the Sphynx of course.
If you have the project to welcome one of these superb cats, it will be the unique opportunity to compare the different breeds, to discuss with the different breeders and to finally make your choice with full knowledge of the facts. In order to avoid impulse purchases, with the regrets that this could cause and for the greater good of the animal, only the reservation will be possible with the breeder, it will be for him the occasion to advise you and to explain you the new "Certificate of Commitment and Knowledge" that you must now have as a buyer of a cat. You will have a minimum of 7 days to think about it.